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Alexander Skogberg

UX / UI Designer

UX / UI Designer who digs design systems, accessibility, loud rock music, and adventure trips


My thoughts and takes on design topics

Welcome to my very first website!

Greetings visitor!

Right now you’re reading the very first blog post on my very first personal website. This site has been long overdue and it’s finally released. Thanks for dropping by. This is awesome!

Why it took so long

I first started thinking about creating a work oriented website after I graduated from Chalmers University of Technology in the fall of 2010.

Then a lot of stuff happened; moved to Stockholm, started working at HiQ, joined a band, built websites for friends, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Homeland, The Last of Us and so on…

In other words mostly procrastination.

What my goal is

So why did I create this site? I did it to…

  • Share my knowledge in UX, design and front end development
  • Offer my opinion on current tech related events
  • Participant in debates within my line of work
  • Showcase my portfolio (coming later this fall)
  • Rant and geek about stuff

What I want from you

You’re here. You’re reading. That’s great. I couldn’t ask for more. Drop by again and there will be some good stuff to read. If you follow me on Twitter I’ll give you a heads up ;)


Much responsive Many CSS Very breakpoint So media query Such HTML Wow