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Alexander Skogberg

UX / UI Designer

UX / UI Designer in Stockholm who digs accessibility, design systems, and loud rock music

Hi, I'm Alexander!

UX / UI Designer for 13+ years. Skilled in accessibility and design systems. Contact me at alexander.skogberg@gmail.com.

Alexander is looking straight at you with a subtle smirk on his face. He's also doing the peace sign!

Apart from accessibility and design systems, I’m also a great fit if you need someone skilled in user interface design, usability testing, and copywriting. I also do AI concept work, build websites (like this one), and give talks for the design community in Sweden.

View the work I’m most proud of in my portfolio

Amazing facts

  1. I’m a die-hard music fan and have been to over 320 concerts

  2. I have a fake front tooth due to a gnarly childhood accident
  3. I’ve fist bumped Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons of KISS
  4. I have tattoos of two characters from the Peanuts comic
  5. I recently finished my fifth international adventure trip

Contact me

Feel free to email me about job offers, consulting gigs, design talks, or career advice. You can also connect on LinkedIn.


Much responsive Many CSS Very breakpoint So media query Such HTML Wow